[Luxus+ MAGAZINE] Sustainability : Noma-éditions, a design and ecological furniture


Like many sectors, the design furniture sector is being affected by the ecological awareness of consumers. Designers and manufacturers must therefore combine sustainability with aesthetics and functionality. Among them, Noma-Editions, a company created by designers, which offers high-end furniture and design objects made from recycled and bio-sourced materials.


Guillaume Galloy and Bruce Ribay, two designers, co-founded their company, which is 70% French, on the concept of eco-design. Noma-Edition stands for “No” for noble and “Ma” for materials, because the use of recycled materials does not prevent the creation from being luxurious. Their credo? To do what they love while acting for a better world.


Indeed, for the two creators, eco-design is not synonymous with cheap objects, quite the contrary, their approach is clearly focused on the high-end. In fact, their approach is first to attract customers by the beauty and aesthetics of their offer, and then to reveal to the customer what is hidden behind the sublime design: materials coming from a good part of the waste of the consumer society.



The percentage of recycled materials is discreetly indicated on the designs, as it is possible that if the origin of the materials was clearly displayed, the target clientele might not have paid attention to their beautiful furniture. Indeed, even if the green conscience is becoming more and more widespread, it is not present enough for the criterion of sustainability to be a priority purchase criterion.

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