[INTERVIEW] Valmont and the Fondation Arche des Abeilles: the alliance of beauty and the defense of nature

By supporting the Fondation Arche des Abeilles, created in 2019 by Geneva-based beekeeper Stéphanie Vuadens, Valmont, the cellular cosmetics expert, has put itself at the service of a noble cause: the defense of bees, those foragers so precious to our environment.


Sophie Vann Guillon, CEO of Valmont, and Stéphanie Vuadens shed light on this win-win partnership for the planet and women’s beauty.


Luxus Plus: How did you meet Stéphanie Vuadens, and how did this collaboration between Valmont and the Fondation Arche des Abeilles come about?

Sophie Vann Guillon: “It was pure coincidence that I met Stéphanie in a store in Geneva. We had a long chat about the honey she was displaying, and I immediately sensed her passion. We shared the same values of commitment, authenticity and passion, where mutual respect reigns. At a time when bees are still threatened by the industrialization of agriculture, Switzerland remains one of the places where they are protected by the benevolent hand of Man. Valmont’s commitment to protecting bees is at the heart of our sustainable development policy, and I wanted to support a long-term project to preserve biodiversity.


LP : What common values link Valmont and the Fondation Arche des Abeilles?

Stéphanie Vuadens: “Protecting and loving nature. Bees give us the best of themselves for nothing in return. It’s up to us to give them back the best of ourselves, thinking above all of them, their survival and their well-being. Valmont supports the Fondation Arche des abeilles in three important projects.

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Featured Photo : Sophie Vann Guillon et Stéphanie Vuadens, respectively Valmont’s CEO and apiarist © Valmont

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