Chanel unveils the short film for Bleu by Scorsese starring Timothée Chalamet

The Maison de la rue Cambon called on two of the greatest talents of the seventh art for the short advertising film dedicated to its Bleu fragrance. The legendary Martin Scorsese captured on film the photogenic Timothée Chalamet, ambassador for the men’s fragrance since last year.


It was one of the highlights of the Cannes Film Festival, which ends this Saturday, May 25.


Chanel took advantage of the gathering of stars and cinema on the Croisette to unveil its new campaign dedicated to Bleu, its men’s fragrance…


The big names in luxury are becoming increasingly involved in the world of cinema. However, Kering, via Yves Saint Laurent Production, which presented three films at the 74th edition, and Lvmh, with 22 avenue Montaigne Entertainment, are more focused on feature films.


The Maison de la rue Cambon, very active in supporting cinema, is releasing a short advertising film


True, but what a short!


Two talents of the 7th art


The film brings together two of today’s greatest talents in the 7th art: veteran director Martin Scorsese, who needs no introduction, and guest star Timothée Chalamet, whose androgynous beauty and style appeal to the younger generation, who are the target of Bleu. The 28-year-old Franco-American actor was chosen as the fragrance egery in 2023 to replace French actor Gaspard Ulliel, who tragically died in a skiing accident in January 2022.



For his part, Martin Scorsese had already put himself at the service of Maison Cambon, and Bleu in particular, by directing an opus for the juice’s first campaign, when it was launched in 2010. Back then, he starred the late Gaspard Ulliel. Once again, the multi-award-winning father of such masterpieces as Taxi Driver, Goodfellas and Gangs of New York has succeeded in telling an exciting story that makes sense…and in 90 seconds, watch in hand!


In this case, the short film, shot in the Big Apple, follows a young man -Timothée Chalamet- torn (torn?) between his public image and his inner self…


The clichés of New York


“The world has changed. In a way, celebrity presents a different aspect. Which is even more extreme than it was ten or fifteen years ago,” commented Martin Scorsese in a press release.


Paced by Herbie Hancock’s electric 1983 instrumental single “Rockit”, his mini-film incorporates all the clichés of a New York dear to the director: giant-bay loft overlooking the surrounding skyscrapers, subway, paparazzi, backstage TV, femme fatale…


The hero’s day unfolds almost entirely in black and white, a palette associated with the artificial image of his life as a star. Only a few touches of blue rays gradually lead him to reconnect with his authentic self… After waking up with a start in his oversized apartment, the young man jumps into a van that will take him to the set of one of those talk shows the Americans love so much.


Backstage, the young man is perfectly cool, even when another star he greets slams the door in his face. But when the TV host asked him, “When you’re in a role, do you destroy who you are?”, something clicked. And on a subway platform, illuminated by a few strokes of that blue that can be associated with awareness, he replies, “No, you dive into yourself, you discover yourself. Only then are you free to really be yourself.”


Blue: revealing authenticity?


Then the black-and-white plunge really begins. Timothée Chalamet lets go, weightless. And we find him strolling, this time in color, through the streets of New York. Before the final image, that of the Bleu de Chanel bottle…


According to Olivier Polge, head perfumer at Chanel, and son of Jacques Polge, the creator of Bleu, the pitch of the short film fits perfectly with that of the famous juice: “Bleu de Chanel has just the right amount of conviction and intensity to represent a man who refuses to be pigeonholed, a man who rejects facades and isn’t afraid to let his vulnerability shine through his tough, disarming exterior.” CQFD.

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Featured Photo: © Chanel

Picture of Sophie Michentef
Sophie Michentef
Sophie Michentef has worked for more than 30 years in the professional press. For fifteen years, she managed the French and international editorial staff of the Journal du Textile. She now puts her press, textile, fashion, and luxury expertise at the service of newspapers, professional organizations, and companies.

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