The Mobilier National and the Cité de la Céramique are working together

Last November, the Minister of Culture asked the President of the Mobilier National to make proposals to create synergies between the two institutions. Explanations.


The French Minister of Culture, Rima Abdul Malak, has commissioned Hervé Lemoine, President of the Mobilier National, to study possible convergences between the Mobilier National and the Cité de la céramique (Sèvres and Limoges).




The latter has therefore been asked to make proposals designed to promote synergies between the two establishments. These include the pooling of skills and know-how, the sharing of strategic thinking and the emergence of transversal tools and objectives. This mission will be carried out with Irène Basilis, Inspector General of Cultural Affairs, at the Cité de la céramique – Sèvres and Limoges. The conclusions are expected in the spring of 2023.


In an interview with the magazine Connaissance des Arts, Hervé Lemoine spoke about the idea of a common pole for contemporary creation: “This is conceivable, especially since even if we do not work together much, we often work with the same artists. Pierre Paulin in the past, Françoise Pétrovitch and others today have worked with Sèvres and with the Mobilier national. We could return to this tradition of assemblers soliciting several skills and a range of crafts.”


Hervé Lemoine sees such an alliance in a positive light: “This policy, which has consisted of reinstalling the Mobilier National in its century, making it intervene in unexpected fields, could include Sèvres and involve the manufacture in major public policy projects. It will be necessary to prove that the weight of a new player born of a merger would truly create value in relation to our missions,” he explains.



Read also > [Luxus+ Magazine] Discover the world of Chantal Thomass transposed to ceramics in an exhibition at the Galerie Bettina


Featured photo : This surprising work of Thierry Betancourt will be presented at the Galerie des Gobelins of the Mobilier national in the exhibition “Les Aliénés” from June 10 to 21, 2022 © Isabelle Bideau


Picture of Hélène Cougot
Hélène Cougot
Passionate about art and fashion, Hélène went to a fashion design school: the Atelier Chardon-Savard. She then completed her training with an MBA in Marketing at ISG. She has written for the magazine Do it in Paris and specializes in writing articles about luxury, art and fashion for Luxus +.
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