The French Leather Industry unveils its CSR White Paper 2022

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The French Leather Industry presented its “White Paper CSR 2022” during a conference on June 21st. During this conference, the industry also expressed its main objectives.


Recognized throughout the world for the quality of its products and its many skills, the French Leather Industry today represents 133 professions, more than 12,800 companies and employs 133,000 people. So many people who have been working for several decades to meet societal and environmental challenges, even though the industry is frequently singled out and prejudiced.


The sector is driven by the ambition of a more sustainable development, and it reiterates this ambition by demonstrating an ever more intense investment in a CSR approach (Corporate Social Responsibility). With this in mind, the industry has unveiled the 2022 edition of its White Paper: “CSR, a committed and innovative French leather industry”.


What are the Filière’s ambitions?


In this respect, the French Leather Industry has set itself several specific objectives. Bringing together responsible companies, putting people first, informing consumers and consolidating dialogue with them are four of the organization’s main objectives.


The fourth objective that the organization has set for itself concerns a point on which society’s expectations are high, it is important to monitor and respect: Animal welfare.


This is a point on which Frank Boehly, the president of the National Leather Council expressed himself: “No, animals are not raised for their skin but primarily for their meat. The leather trade is the oldest recycling activity. […] The skin is the barometer of the health of an animal. As our industry is positioned at the top of the range, we need to have a good quantity of top-quality skins and, therefore, that the animals are well treated” .


Finally, acting to protect the environment remains the last – but not least – objective of the industry. Frank Boehly, who has been singled out for criticism regarding its environmental footprint, and in particular that of its tannery and leather goods branch, for its water consumption and its use of chemicals, also made a point of expressing himself on this point. “Every activity has an environmental footprint, and there is no denying it. Our goal is to limit this impact, and we are continuously improving”.


As the world’s fourth largest exporter of leather goods, the third largest exporter of raw hides and skins and leather goods and with a turnover of 25 billion euros, the company and consumers are very attentive to environmental and animal issues that concern the French organization. It is therefore necessary to provide reliable and concrete answers to consumers’ expectations in line with the status of the French Leather Industry.





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The French Leather Industry presented its “White Paper CSR 2022” during a conference on June 21st. During this conference, the industry also expressed its main objectives.


Recognized throughout the world for the quality of its products and its many skills, the French Leather Industry today represents 133 professions, more than 12,800 companies and employs 133,000 people. So many people who have been working for several decades to meet societal and environmental challenges, even though the industry is frequently singled out and prejudiced.


The sector is driven by the ambition of a more sustainable development, and it reiterates this ambition by demonstrating an ever more intense investment in a CSR approach (Corporate Social Responsibility). With this in mind, the industry has unveiled the 2022 edition of its White Paper: “CSR, a committed and innovative French leather industry”.


What are the Filière’s ambitions?


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The French Leather Industry presented its “White Paper CSR 2022” during a conference on June 21st. During this conference, the industry also expressed its main objectives.


Recognized throughout the world for the quality of its products and its many skills, the French Leather Industry today represents 133 professions, more than 12,800 companies and employs 133,000 people. So many people who have been working for several decades to meet societal and environmental challenges, even though the industry is frequently singled out and prejudiced.


The sector is driven by the ambition of a more sustainable development, and it reiterates this ambition by demonstrating an ever more intense investment in a CSR approach (Corporate Social Responsibility). With this in mind, the industry has unveiled the 2022 edition of its White Paper: “CSR, a committed and innovative French leather industry”.


What are the Filière’s ambitions?


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