Showroomsprivé delivers strong quarterly performance before capital raise


Showroomprivé, which is currently carrying out a capital increase of around €10 million, after seeing its turnover fall by 19.8% in the first quarter of 2020, announces that it has recorded “a strong rebound in its internet sales from April during the containment period linked to the Covid-19 pandemic“.


Showroomprivé saw its half-yearly sales reach a level equivalent to last year’s, at around €300 million.


After a 19.8% decline in net sales in the first quarter, the Group recorded a strong rebound in internet sales from April during the containment period. This rebound was confirmed over the entire 2nd quarter, with revenues up by approximately +19% over the period, enabling the Group to achieve half-year revenues in line with those recorded in the first half of 2019.


The level of half-year activity, better than initially expected, coupled with the effect of the rationalization measures initiated in 2019, should enable the Group to record an estimated positive EBITDA of between €5.5 and €7.5 million at June 30, 2020, compared to a negative EBITDA of €23 million in the first half of 2019, reflecting a trajectory of improvement in its profitability over the period.


A favorable context for the company’s capital increase approved by the Bobigny Commercial Court on May 28. The maximum amount of this capital increase supported and guaranteed by the founding managers, David Dayan and Thierry Petit, is estimated at 10 million euros. 10 million. It is being carried out with shareholders’ preferential subscription rights maintained, on the basis of 22 new shares for 17 existing shares.


Each shareholder of Showroomprivé will be granted on 20 July one DPS per existing share.





Featured Photo : © Showroomprivé[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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