[Luxus+ Magazine] RENDEZ-VOUS WITH THE ARTISTES. Meeting with Simon Martner, international jewellery photographer


From young designers to the Grandes Maisons, from his studio at London to the four corners of the world, from the delicate jewel to the imposing piece of several millions, Simon Martner, international photographer specializing in jewellery, sublimates each jewel since more than 10 years in the respect of the identity of the jeweler.


Today, he reveals for Luxus Plus some tips to meet the specific needs of this universe and to stand out in an era of visual overproduction.




How would you define a good jewellery photographer?


Generally speaking, a good photographer should know how to control light and reflection. Which is a major challenge when it comes to jewellery because stones and materials have many reflections. But it is also important to have knowledge and understanding of jewellery design. It is our responsibility to transform a 3D good into a 2D image, while preserving the beauty, quality and expensive character of the gem. Because with social networks, people are now overwhelmed by images. It is therefore extremely important to make the photo exceptional.


You have more than 10 years of career in jewellery. In view of your background, do you have any advice for young photographers?


Between my first and second year, I mass photographed in a robotic way to acquire knowledge. And I thought I had the perfect technique. It was the most boring time of my entire career. I had so much potential that I could improve but just couldn’t see it. And gradually I realized the interest of challenging myself. When I realized the importance of getting out of my comfort zone and the extent of the possible thanks to the many plays of positions and light, my work became more interesting. I was also able to show to the jewelers I work with that I take their needs very seriously. They spend months perfecting their designs. So when it comes to showcasing them, they want someone who is completely involved and who is committed to recreating a perfect image to enhance their creations. You are not there just to photograph. You can propose, exchange and bring your own artistic vision.


Do you use other artistic trends to enhance your photos?


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Picture of Celia Mastorchio-Fabbri
Celia Mastorchio-Fabbri
[EN] CÉLIA MASTORCHIO-FABBRI IS AN ARTIST AND PROFESSIONAL OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION. GRADUATED FROM AN ESC IN LUXURY BUSINESS, SHE WROTE A BOOK ON ARTKETING AND LEGITIMATE COLLABORATIONS BETWEEN ART AND LUXURY. HAVING ACQUIRED HER SKILLS WITH SEVERAL BRANDS, NOTABLY BETWEEN LONDON AND PARIS, THROUGH A DIGITAL AGENCY, SHE WAS ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF A JEWELLERY WEBSITE. TODAY, SHE CREATES NARRATIVE AND VISUAL CONTENT (ILLUSTRATIONS, PHOTOGRAPHS, COLLAGES, ANIMATIONS...) TO ACCOMPANY THE HOUSES, PARTICULARLY JEWELLERS, IN THE DEPLOYMENT OF THEIR IDENTITY. ****** [FR] Célia Mastorchio-Fabbri est une artiste et professionnelle de la communication digitale. Diplômée d'une ESC en Luxury Business, elle a écrit un livre sur l’Artketing et les collaborations légitimes entre l'Art et le Luxe. Ayant acquis ses compétences auprès de plusieurs marques, notamment entre Londres et Paris, en passant par une agence digitale, elle fut également responsable du management d'un site joaillier. Aujourd'hui, elle crée des contenus narratifs et visuels (illustrations, photographies, collages, animations…) pour accompagner les Maisons, particulièrement joaillières, dans le déploiement de leur identité.
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