Natural Diamond Council: World’s Leading Natural Diamond Producers Team Up to Support Sector Integrity

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The organization formerly known as the Diamond Producers Association was relaunched on June 1st under a new name with a new identity and a new consumer website called “Only Natural Diamonds.” (OND)


The Natural Diamond Council has two missions. Its mission is to promote the attractiveness of natural diamonds to consumers but also to strengthen the integrity of the diamond jewellery sector.


“The current economic climate is creating unprecedented challenges for the luxury sector. But as the luxury sector improves, natural diamonds will create even stronger ties than ever before. Consumers will have a greater respect for all things natural and will look for brands that have an honest mission to be truly sustainable. They will buy luxury products with greater meaning, especially those that celebrate the bonds between friends and family,” said Natural Diamond Council CEO David Kellie.


© Natural Diamond Council


Via the new OND website, diamond enthusiasts will find feature articles written by renowned actors in the jewellery and publishing industry. The digital platform also offers illuminated coverage under six key pillars linking the world of natural diamonds: ‘Epic Diamonds’, ‘Hollywood & Pop Culture’, ‘Love & Diamonds’, ‘Style & Innovation’, ‘Diamonds 101’ and ‘Inside the Diamond World’. These are all resources promoting the world of natural diamonds.


“Our mission is to inform consumers about the industry and the positive social contribution that diamonds make to today’s world. Our members are committed to achieving these goals and the launch of the NDC is an exciting step in that direction. “


© Natural Diamond Council


At the same time, the Natural Diamond Council is continuing its work on behalf of professionals in the sector by publishing “Style Collective: Trend Report”, which informs the various players about the trends forecast by the main experts in natural diamond jewellery.


The association also has a separate website dedicated to industry professionals, retailers and designers. This platform will give them access to a range of industry resources, customizable marketing content, e-learning programs and industry news.


With a presence in China and India in addition to the United States and Europe, NDC’s initiatives reach a global market. Its recent actions are aimed at making the association a leading digital publisher of innovative diamond content.





Featured photo : © Natural Diamond Council[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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