Guerlain becomes a patron of the Vallée de la Millière, a haven of biodiversity

Guerlain’s mission is to restore ecosystems and raise public awareness of sustainable development issues. This is why Guerlain has chosen to become a patron of the Vallée de la Millière, a complete biodiversity reserve created by Yann Arthus-Bertrand.


When the Arthus-Bertrand family bought this 28-hectare land, classified as a “natural area of ecological, faunistic and floristic interest“, they wanted to make it welcoming to wild fauna and flora through various projects.


Guerlain has a very special history with this place since the estate belonged for a long time to the founding family of the House. Today, it is becoming a sponsor of this place on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Guerlain’s commitments “In the name of beauty“.


The Association de la Vallée de la Millière has partnered with the University of Saclay (Systematic Evolution Ecology Laboratory) and the Regional Natural Park of the Haute Vallée de Chevreuse, to welcome researchers who will work on reducing the human impact on ecosystems.


I have succeeded in fulfilling a dream: to acquire an extraordinary estate of 30 hectares that I have known since I was a child. The idea is to give freedom to nature, to have no more human intervention and to study how nature takes back its rights. There is a utopian side to it but it is also exciting. Insects, foxes, badgers, large animals will be able to reclaim their own habitat. How I would love to walk in the forest and not have the animals be afraid of me. That they find this natural confidence which they lost in the Man ” declared Yann Arthus-Bertrand.


With the help of Thierry Wasser, the House’s Master Perfumer, Guerlain aims to experiment with new regenerative agricultural practices on this site, in order to study their implementation on a larger scale with the House’s raw material producers and thus contribute to the LVMH Group’s LIFE 360 objectives.


Starting in 2023, the site is expected to host small groups to inform and educate them about the environmental issues of the 21st century.




Featured photo : © Rudy Bueno


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