Fashion and Luxury : 480,000 alternative masks produced every day by French companies


In the current pandemic context, the Fashion & Luxury sector has been asked by the State to produce protective masks. This means that 480,000 masks will be produced every day in the coming weeks by French companies that have volunteered to do so. To date, 85 models from 48 companies have been validated at the manufacturing stage.


In France, the mobilization is unprecedented. A large number of textile workshops have stopped production in order to start manufacturing masks for the country’s essential industries and services.


Following the mobilization prompted by the government, the Groupement CSF (Comité Stratégique de la Filière), Mode & Luxe, led by Guillaume de Seynes, now aims to define, produce and centralize the demand for models of masks for non-sanitary use, as well as coordinate workshops, suppliers and supplies to manufacture them.


Due to the urgency of the situation, the Fashion & Luxury sector has created a unique website that centralises all the data useful for the creation of masks, while maintaining easy contact with the State.


On March 27th, AFNOR, the French standardization association, made available to owners of “barrier masks” to be made in an industrial and/or artisanal manner.


It took AFNOR only 7 days to create a set of specifications with the collaboration of 150 experts and the commitment of the Strategic Committee of the Fashion & Luxury Goods Sector. “It is totally unprecedented to produce such a guide in one week, all by daily videoconferences with a remarkable discipline from everyone” says Clarisse Reille, the general manager of the professional committee DEFI La Mode de France. “These masks are meant to be filtering, there was real research and development work behind them” assures Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Secretary of State to the Minister of the Economy.


It should be noted that the manufacture of these masks is in no way intended for medical personnel, as they do not meet the same health criteria. The latter have regulated masks that are suitable for use in medical organisations such as hospitals, clinics, EHPAD, etc…


The production of these “barrier” or “simple anti-projection” masks protects the environment against projections from people wearing this mask, thus limiting the spread of contamination. These alternative masks are intended in particular for people who are not in contact with the public (administrative, logistical, …).


The level of protection of these masks varies according to their adaptation to the morphology, the materials used or their characteristics.


The companies therefore undertake to specify the category of masks they produce, following validation by the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA).


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Featured Photo :  © AFNOR[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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