Assises Juridiques dissects counterfeiting

If you are a legal professional working in the world of luxury, fashion and design, make a note of it in your diary: the Assises juridiques dedicated to their sector, to be held on 9 March at the Shangri-La Hotel in Paris, will address the challenges of counterfeiting.


Organized by Lexposia, the consulting agency for legal professionals, these events have the support of many partners, including your magazine Luxus +: the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode, the FEBEA (Fédération des entreprises de la Beauté), the Fédération de la Maille, de la Lingerie et du Balnéaire (Federation of Knitwear, Lingerie and Swimwear), the Fédération de la Mode Circulaire (Federation of Circular Fashion), Unifab (Union des Fabricants), Ebrand, Affiches Parisiennes and LexisNexis.



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Approved by the National Bar Council, this Qualiopi certified training course can be paid for by a collecting body.


As it proliferates, particularly on the Internet and social networks, global counterfeiting is more than ever a major concern for players in the fashion, luxury and design industries. And to protect their image, traceability is becoming an essential response.


The state of play of traceability


This day will notably take stock of existing traceability systems and raise awareness of those of the future which will facilitate the follow-up of the product from production to sale.


Its programme will be copious.


After a welcome and breakfast at 8.30 am, Dominique Laulhe-Desauw, Head of Operations Coordination at LEXPOSIA SAS, will introduce the day at 9 am.


Emmanuelle Hoffman, Partner at HOFFMAN, specializing in intellectual property law and former member of the Paris Bar Council, will give the opening speech and announce the programme.


At 9.15 a.m., she will lead the first round table, devoted to Jurisprudential News.


She will discuss the subject with Yann Basire, Doctor in Intellectual Property Law at CEIPI, Senior Lecturer at CEIPI, University of Strasbourg, Director General and Director of the French Section of CEIPI and Linda Boudour, Magistrate, Third Chamber at the Paris Judicial Court


At 10.30 a.m., a break will allow for exchanges over coffee and some pastries.


At 10.45 a.m., the repression of counterfeiting will be the subject of a second round table, again moderated by Emmanuelle Hoffman. Delphine Sarfati-Sobreira, President of the Union des Fabricants (UNIFAB), Yann Ambach, Head of the COMINT 3 office (Tariff and Trade Policy) at the Directorate General of Customs and Xavier Guéant, Legal Director of the Fédération des Entreprises de la Beauté (FEBEA) will shed light on the subject.


At 12.10 pm, Nicolas Chemla, anthropologist, HEC graduate, novelist, essayist, columnist and strategic consultant for luxury brands, will offer an anthropological look at the world of luxury.


At 12.30 pm, a key witness sequence with the broadcasting of a video by the Member of Parliament Christophe Blanchet.


At 12:30 pm, participants will be able to take a break from their neurons and satisfy their taste buds during a lunch served at the table and inspired by Christophe Moret, the executive chef of the Shangri-La Paris.


At 2pm, Nathalie CROSS-COITTON, CEO of Women Management and a leading figure in the world of luxury and fashion, in which she has worked for 35 years, will be signing her latest book. Catwalk, itinéraire d’une femme de mode. Beyond a woman’s journey, it traces the evolution of fashion and the way the body is viewed in our society.


Innovation and Metavers


The afternoon will be devoted to intellectual property in all its forms, and to questions of innovation and Metavers in particular.


Among the themes addressed :


. Advances in blockchain to enable better management of the brand and the responsibilities involved.

. The possibilities offered by innovative technologies and their legal impact

. New materials, whether of vegetable or synthetic origin, leading to increased responsibility for textile companies, the environmental issue now being a priority.


At 2.25 pm, a special guest speaker – Marie-Claire Daveu, Director of Sustainable Development and Institutional Affairs at Kering – will speak.


At 2.45 pm, still under the leadership of Emmanuelle Hoffman, a third table, entitled “When the virtual becomes the real”, will describe and qualify the legal framework of Metavers and NFT. It will feature Adrien Basdevant, a lawyer specialising in digital law, Pierre-Nicolas Hurstel, the CEO of Arianee (a platform for the creation of digital passports for luxury goods and distribution) and Nicolas Binctin, Professor of Private Law at the University of Poitiers (by video).


At 3.45 pm, Pierre Berecz, the President of Ebrand, an expert in the protection of trademarks on the Internet, will speak during an interlude on the theme “Protecting, exploiting and defending your trademark”.


A responsible market


At 3.55 pm, a new topical issue will be discussed: that of a responsible and committed market, via both CSR, which integrates the governance of groups, and the rise and democratisation of the second-hand market.


Frédéric Galinier, Legal Director of the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode, will be in charge of coordinating the discussions with Natacha Finateu and Isabelle Robin (legal managers at Interparfums), May Berthelot, Senior Anti-Counterfeiting Director at Vinted, Maxime Delavallée, President of the Fédération de la Mode Circulaire, co-founder and CEO of Crushon, Stéphane Piot, co-founder of Pando Fashion, member of the faculty of the Institut Français de la Mode on product strategy and sustainable development.


After a gourmet and networking break at 5pm, there will follow at 5.15pm, still with Emmanuelle Hoffman as moderator, a discussion on how to deal with tomorrow’s new materials and the responsibilities this entails, Jean-Placide Nyombe, the head of legal and regulatory affairs at the Fédération de la Maille, de la Lingerie et du Balnéaire, Christopher Sarfati, the European director of ECOPEL (specializing in fake fur) and finally the fashion designer Olivier Lapidus, “fervent defender of highly technological fashion”.


The day will end at 6pm.



Read also > Law : Discover the training course on the legal aspects of fashion, design and luxury


Featured photo : © Vestiaire Collective
Picture of Sophie Michentef
Sophie Michentef
Sophie Michentef has worked for more than 30 years in the professional press. For fifteen years, she managed the French and international editorial staff of the Journal du Textile. She now puts her press, textile, fashion, and luxury expertise at the service of newspapers, professional organizations, and companies.
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