Based in Paris, Rennes, Toulouse, Aix-en-Provence, Lyon and Bordeaux, the business and marketing school specialising in the high-end industry offers a range of courses to immerse its students in the exciting and prosperous world of luxury.
Communication, marketing, management… Not to mention digital and sustainable skills, which are becoming increasingly important. The luxury goods industry is diverse and varied. In France alone, one in thirteen industrial companies works in the high-end sector, according to the 2024 study by the Savoir pour Faire institute, taken up by France Travail.
While growth strategies are diverse, all brands and firms agree on one point: the need to retain and recruit the best teams. And to attract students, many companies are adapting to the professional aspirations of young people and offering pleasant working environments with attractive career opportunities.
Training in France and abroad
While the high-end sector could grow by 5 to 9% per year between now and 2030, reaching a value of up to 2.5 trillion euros by the end of the decade according to a report by the Bain & Company research firm and the Altagamma Foundation, the luxury sector needs solid talent more than ever to ensure its expansion.
Well known to industry professionals, the ESG Luxe, under the leadership of the private higher education group Galileo Global Education, stands out for its bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. And this throughout France. The business and marketing school is present in Aix-en-Provence, Bordeaux, Lyon, Paris, Rennes and Toulouse. This allows students to stay in their own environment or, conversely, to discover a new city and new opportunities.
Marketing, communication, commerce… A wide range of courses
As soon as they have obtained their baccalaureate, young people can swap the school benches for those of the ESG Luxe Bachelors, which differ according to the campus. Three courses are offered, focusing on business and marketing development; communication and influence; or the profession of sales manager of prestige real estate. Parallel admissions allow direct integration into the second or third year depending on the application. Reassuringly for students, the school’s Bachelor’s degrees are recognised by the State as level 6.
The master’s degrees are divided into two categories: luxury marketing, on the one hand, with eight specialised courses such as gastronomy and wine, fashion, jewellery, and luxury trade and communication, on the other hand, focusing on events, the hotel industry and international trade. These courses are also recognised by the State as level 7.
A network of thousands of prestigious companies and stakeholders
ESG Luxe relies on its solid network to train students in line with the reality of the market, and not in a watered-down or outdated version of the industry. Students learn and exchange ideas with speakers who know the luxury sector inside out. This makes a significant difference when young people are looking for sandwich courses and internships.
Indeed, sandwich courses are possible from the third year of the bachelor’s degree and during the two years of the master’s degree, allowing students to be in the field but also to reduce their tuition fees.
In initial training, internships are compulsory every year, guaranteeing a well-filled CV at the end of the studies and contacts to put forward when looking for a job. As theoretical as they are practical, ESG Luxe’s courses also include visits to boutiques and design workshops, as well as the discovery of museums and foundations.
Read also > A Brief History of Luxury – Barons de Rothschild, a great name for an exceptional champagne
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