The 61st International Agricultural Show enabled the Alliance France Cuir to very effectively use its “VACHEMENT CUIR” stand to make the voice of the leather industry heard by breeders, the general public, fashion and luxury houses, politicians and the press.
While its sector is still too little known, the Alliance France Cuir has once again found a winning formula to raise awareness of the many advantages of this noble and durable material at an event dear to the French people.
The organization, which explains that it “speaks for 21 professional federations united by a passion for leather and its excellent craftsmanship since 1948”, was once again out in force at the 61st edition of the International Agricultural Show, which was held at the Porte de Versailles from February 22 to March 2.
For the second year running, the Alliance France Cuir presented the “VACHEMENT CUIR” campaign on its stand in Hall 1, which had been enlarged to 60 m², in collaboration with the Fédération Française des Cuirs et Peaux, the Fédération Française de la Tannerie Mégisserie and the Syndicat des Industries Françaises des Coproduits.
Featured Photo: © Ici au Loin – Jules Hidrot for Alliance France Cuir