The Battle of Versailles : when American fashion acquires its letters of nobility in front of the “greats” of the parisian haute couture

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If Paris has always been the undisputed capital of fashion, if French style remains THE reference in the world, an event, unique in the history of fashion, came to upset this supremacy somewhat: the prestige of the great French couturiers, without being exceeded, received, on November 28, 1973, at the Palace of Versailles, a small lesson in American avant-garde fashion…


Paris and other fashion capitals


For a very long time, the great French couturiers set the tone for international fashion, and the incomparable, unique, unequalled and probably unrivalled French style breathed the air of time into the rest of the world. The whole world agrees in recognising the excellence and genius of French fashion, which has made Paris the most illustrious and prestigious capital of elegance.


No one can dispute the fact that Paris has always retained the exclusive right to use the term “Haute Couture” since its invention in the 19th century, as it is inextricably linked to the city where it was born.


However, for several decades now, other fashion capitals have stood out in front of the cradle of Haute Couture, such as London, for its blend of creativity and conservatism, Milan, for the boldness of its colours and the excellence of its leather goods, and finally New York, for more accessible fashion and the development of ready-to-wear.


American fashion is gaining in prestige


The 20th century, which saw two periods that can be described as the “golden age” of Parisian fashion, the first after the First World War, with couturiers such as Jeanne Lanvin, Coco Chanel and Elsa Schiapparelli, the second after the Second World War, with Carven, Pierre Balmain and Christian Dior, is also the century in which American fashion slowly but surely acquired undeniable prestige.


American cinema, with its actresses, each one more sublime and elegant than the next, had a huge influence on the international public in terms of fashion, especially during periods when Europe suffered and its economy was at half mast.


Liza Minnelli and the American models open the fashion show with the song “Bonjour Paris”. Courtesy of Made to Measure Production

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