Speech by the President of the French Republic: A new halt for the hotel and restaurant industry which requires strong, clear and responsible measures to safeguard them

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The pandemic is developing and is no longer under control, France must confine itself. These were, in essence, the words of the President of the Republic last night.


In the aftermath, he announced once again that measures must be implemented to strengthen the fight against the spread of the virus and to help companies prevented from working.


Thus, despite the respect of a reinforced sanitary protocol throughout the country and their active and responsible participation in the fight against the spread of the virus, all professionals, whether they are hotels, cafes, restaurants, caterers organizing receptions or discotheques, are once again prohibited from carrying out their activity because of the containment measures imposed by the State.


This forced and brutal closure of our establishments is another blow to our professionals, forcing the government to take strong, clear and responsible measures to help them“. The professional organizations of the sector, GNC, GNI, UMIH and SNRTC, declare in unison.


Professionals demand visibility, they want to know what support is available to them and for how long, add these organizations.


In line with its previous joint declarations and working meetings with the Government, the united profession asks, as long as the sanitary measures continue and for the whole sector of the CHR Café, Hotels and Restaurants :


Access to the Solidarity Fund for all companies, with no employee threshold effect in particular, nor any condition linked to the legal form of the company or the size of its revenue loss. This solidarity fund is intended to compensate for the fixed costs that continue to be incurred by our professionals (electricity, subscriptions, etc.) up to 10,000 euros per month;


An urgent solution to the problem of rents, which must be disconnected from the solidarity fund, by means of a tax credit strongly encouraging lessors to abandon all or part of the rents owed by professional tenants ;


Exemptions from employers’ social security contributions for all companies throughout 2020;


Maintaining the short-time working scheme under the current compensation conditions, including paid vacations, without any remaining charges, beyond December 31, 2020 and for as long as the health constraints and restrictions persist.


Coverage of the operating loss caused by this new administrative closure or the shutdown of establishments such as hotels, in the absence of tourists, by the insurance companies, which this time cannot escape by arguing that the situation is unprecedented.


The sector is in an unprecedented crisis. It has already lost more than 150,000 jobs. The survival of hotels, cafes, restaurants, discos and caterers organizing receptions is now at stake.


According to professional organizations, the government must therefore assure professionals of its willingness to help them now and in the long term through measures that are as strong as they are indispensable and urgent.




Fearured photo : © Press[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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