Lancel (Piquadro group) sales jump 13% in S1


For the first semester of Piquadro’s 2019/2020 financial year, which closed at the end of September, Maison Lancel salestotaled € 25.28 million and contributed 13.2% to the increase in group sales (semester sales in the previous year, equal to € 16.45 million, only included months from June to September 2018, the first four months Maison Lancel was included in consolidated Piquadro group figures).

By Luxus Plus


Maison Lancel sales in the DOS channel (which includes the e-commerce website) represented 85.9% of total Lancel brand revenue.


Same-store sales in H1 2019-2020 in the DOS channel of Maison Lancel compared to H1 2018-2019 (where April and May 2018 were not included in the semester sales of the Piquadro group to 30 September 2018) showed an increase of 10.7% (same increase for the same business days at
constant exchange rates).


Maison Lancel operates in the DOS channel through 57 direct stores in France, one each in Italy Spain, Russia and China.


The iconic French leather goods brand was acquired in June 2016 by Piquadro, known for its connected bags and luggage, which intends to relaunch it by leveraging its industrial and innovation capacity.


Lancel had been owned since 1997 by the Swiss group Richemont and had been considered for several years by analysts as his problem child. Richemont had tried without much success to relaunch it, through restructuring.


Founded in 1876 in Paris by Angèle Lancel, the brand is nevertheless firmly established in France and highly appreciated in Russia, China and the Middle East. She is known in particular for one of her models created in homage to the actress Brigitte Bardot.






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