[Luxus+ Magazine] For ever more ethical fashion: the decisive battle of the French leather industry


Leather, like textiles or precious stones, is under the spotlight, suspected of all crimes: polluting, indifferent to societal issues, generating animal suffering, among others. However, The French leather industry has for several years been reflecting on the ecological impact of its industry in terms of water purification, air protection as well as waste reduction. It goes even further in its approach, aware that consumer safety and information as well as animal welfare, without forgetting the well-being and training of leather artisans, are at the heart of an ethical model in the sector.


Leather is one of the major components of everyday objects that the consumer uses without even thinking: handbag, travel bag, belt, shoes, fashion accessories are parts of everyone’s life. The strong expectations of customers relate to the traceability of the skins. To answer this question, the Leather Technical Center (CTC) has developed a system for tracing the skins by laser: each one is identified by a code so that, from the slaughter of the animal to the manufacturing of the finished product, the manufacturer knows where the skin comes from.



Traceability also makes it possible to fight counterfeiting. According to a 2018 IFOP study, 37% of consumers buy counterfeit luxury products unwillingly. Buying counterfeits means buying poor quality products, sometimes treated with chemical components dangerous for health. That is why governments and brands are taking tough action to fight counterfeiting.


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