Born in California in the 50s, Tim Burton is renowned for his unique world of fantasy, dream and gothic aesthetics. Oscillating between independent cinema and blockbusters, he has established himself as one of the most inventive directors of his generation. A look back at the career of a filmmaker who, from “Beetlejuice” to “Wednesday”, has never ceased to leave his mark on the collective imagination.
Early days: from Disney to his first films
After studying at the California Institute of the Arts, Burton began his career at Disney in the 70s. He collaborated on films such as Rox and Rouky, before going on to direct his own short films, Vincent (1982) and Frankenweenie(1984). These two works, marked by a dark aesthetic, laid the foundations for his distinctive style, combining macabre humor and melancholy. In 1985, he directed his first feature-length film, Pee-Wee Big Adventure, already revealing his taste for the bizarre and eccentric.
Frankenweenie, 1984 © Walt Disney Pictures
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