LVMH Innovation Award 2020 awarded to Dutch company Crobox

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On the occasion of the 4th edition of its annual contest, the French LVMH group and its jury of professionals presented the 2020 trophy to the Dutch company Crobox during the award ceremony that was exceptionally held by videoconference on July 2nd. The company presented a service that uses artificial intelligence to analyse consumer behaviour in order to define the criteria to be highlighted for each product according to customer profiles.


Crobox‘s vocation is to annihilate the speculation of marketing decisions and merchandising for the brand, and to allow consumers to easily find the products corresponding to their profiles and preferences, thus avoiding an accumulation of data and messages for each product.


Among the thirty finalists in the running, the LVMH Innovation Award jury also awarded two “Special Mention” awards. The first was awarded to OneStock in Toulouse (France), a specialist in stock unification. Its stock unification system aims to eradicate stock shortages by making products available through all sales channels.


The second “Special Mention” is awarded to the young Mexican start-up Desserto, created a year ago to offer its vegan and vegetal alternative to leather, made from cactus grown and produced in Mexico. A premium solution that can be produced in large quantities.


The competition ceremony dedicated to the various technological and sustainable challenges related to the fashion and luxury goods industry is available in replay on the LVMH website.





Featured photo : © LVMH[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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