FIAC will return in Paris on October 17-20, 2019


In a few days, the 46th edition of the International Fair of Contemporary Art (FIAC), the annual meeting of French and international artists will take place in Paris.

By Luxus Plus


During 4 days visitors will be able to discover the art trends and the most acclaimed artists of the moment.

Since 1974, FIAC has been bringing art and design actors to Paris every year. The event takes place in the 8th arrondissement at the Grand Palais and its surroundings.

Nearly 200 galleries and thousands of professionals from around the world will be present, as announced by director Jennifer Flay.

The FIAC program will still be divided into several spaces. FIAC “galeries” is the center of the event by hosting the most popular galleries in the Grand Palais, including 25 newcomers, like the Lévy Gorvy gallery which is present in New York, Hong Kong, London and Zurich.

FIAC “projects” presents at the Petit Palais and on Winston Churchill Avenue sculptures and original installations.

FIAC “hors les mur” (off the wall) proposes events outside the center of the Grand Palais, such as a contemporary art path at the Tuileries Garden, or at the Eugène Delacroix museum, the exhibition of the painter Glenn Brown.

The FIAC 2019 takes place in the Grand Palais and its surroundings in the 8th arrondissement, from October 17th to 20th. The entrance fee is 38 €.


For more information, please visit





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